Lowell Stream Channel Restoration/Green Mountain Power
In 2013, Bear Creek Environmental was retained by Green Mountain Power to restore a stream channel that underwent major incision during a flood event. BCE conducted detailed survey work at the site and collaborated with an engineering firm to complete a stream channel restoration design. This design incorporated the use of eighteen boulder weirs (steps) and large woody debris to stabilize the incising channel and provide diverse bed features over a 200 foot segment of the stream. BCE scientists oversaw the construction of the restoration design during the summer of 2014.
(Lenzi, 2001)
Vermont Agency of Transportation/Geomorphic Technical Advice: Vermont Route 106 Permitting and Design
The Bear Creek Environmental, LLC (BCE) Biological services team was retained by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT) to provide geomorphic technical advice in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene. During fall 2011, the BCE team performed design and permitting services to assist the VAOT with issues relating to river stability adjacent to an extensive embankment washout on Route 106.
The team compiled available geomorphic data for the Black River Mainstem, and advised the Vermont Agency of Transportation regarding issues related to river stability. During fall 2011, the BCE team completed a survey of a former island adjacent to Route 106, where one channel had become plugged by sediment from bank failure upstream of the site during Tropical Storm Irene. In an effort to alleviate shear stress along the Route 106 embankment, the BCE team prepared a channel design and permit application to restore flow in the sediment plugged channel.
The BCE team provided construction oversight services for the project and prepared an "as built" to submit to the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). As part of the Fluvial Geomorphic Technical Advice contract, the BCE team also completed a retroactive 404 permit application for the bank stabilization project adjacent to Route 106.
Sucker Brook/Town of Williston, VT
Bear Creek Environmental, LLC (BCE) was part of a project team that provided design options to stabilize and restore an incised tributary of Sucker Brook in Williston, Vermont. Mary Nealon shared project design duties, which included four conceptual level alternatives: do nothing, restore historic channel, stabilize channel in place, and construct new channel. Each conceptual design alternative was evaluated using a matrix that included: reduction in sediment loading, cost effectiveness, instream and riparian habitat enhancement, a minimization of impact on adjacent property owners.
The project alternative selected involved raising the elevation of the channel and floodplain to arrest the active head cut. Cross vanes were used to create a step-pool system at theThe step–pool transitioned to a cascade section to tie into the existing grade downstream. The first phase of the stream stabilization/restoration work was con upper end of the project site. structed during summer 2005 and the second phase was built in 2007.
The final planting plan was developed by BCE, and included live willow stakes and bare root speckled alder. Community planting days took place in spring 2006 and 2008 to vegetate along the new channel.